Custom Energy Dashboards

BITCON’s Custom Energy Dashboard is a custom developed system of dashboards used by management to monitor and report the overall energy performance of thier plants. They are the gateway to understanding by analysing specific energy consumption for different energy sources organized according to cost centres products, services or equipment’s. EMS also enables setting of energy intensity targets to compare them with the results and to analyse the effect of external factors on how energy is used.

Product Features

Our specialists in software and advance internet applications makes sure the EMS can be customized to your specific needs. Our hardware supports a smooth and accurate data transfer. EMS helps to improve energy and thereby overall company performance with less effort and greater precision. The energy savings will help reduce not only costs, but they add significantly to reducing your carbon footprint.

  • Facilitate the management of energy usage in the building or industrial facilities for bench marking against specific parameters of production, services, area or manpower etc.
  • Trending and monitoring energy consumption with other parameters at multiple locations, on mobile or tablet PCs.
  • Automatic and consistent reaction to events and alarms, thus lowering or avoiding the downtime.
  • Provide a means together and view information quickly to take decisions
  • Reductions in energy cost and other related environmental impacts, through systematic management of energy
  • It also provides facilities for monitoring and recording of electricity, gas, water or other fuels or energy source consumption through special meters.
  • The data obtained from these can then be used to produce trend analysis for daily, weekly , monthly and annual energy consumption forecasts against other parameters like production and services etc.
  • Remote access to the crucial data for energy consumption in different locations & allows to compare energy usage by equipment type, store location, fuel type or time of day and provides potentials for energy savings.
  • Installation and Implementation of Energy monitoring meters and Analysers with Web based energy management software-POWERBUS.
  • We also provide consultancy to organizations to make their documentation and training to employees for Energy management system leading to IS 50001 like EMS program, EMS implementation program, internal auditors program and make the team competent leading the organization to certification.
  • Provide training on energy management system to senior, middle & junior management in the organization for awareness,implementation, and internal auditors program for competence building.


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Custom Energy Dashboards

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